
Who is Bernard Claerhout? Bernard is a great lover of gemstones, a passion that has simmered in his family for generations. For decades, his parents, grandparents and even great grandparents were the proud owners of a jewellery business in Moeskroen, where he was born and bred. Bernard moved to the centre of Boechout in 2002, where he set up his home and studio.
Unique gemstones that catch the light in a mesmerising way, unusual encapsulations or a remarkable cut grasp his attention during the selection and design process. Fascinated by their pure beauty or inspired by their perfect imperfections and colour intensity, he attempts to capture all this in his contemporary jewellery. His creations bring these unique characteristics to the fore so they can literally shine.
Bernard individually receives his commissioners and other interested parties in his studio. This personal contact helps him to translate stories, dreams and desires into a stylish and handmade piece of jewellery.
If you are interested in Bernard’s tailor-made approach, his timeless pieces, or if you have a price enquiry, please email info@bernardclaerhout.be, or contact him on 0497/292 755.